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Enprobio Enpro-PSB Phosphate solubilizing bacteria


Phosphate solubilizing bacteria

This product contains phosphate solubilizing bacteria which solubilizes fixed insoluble phosphorus in soil into soluble form. Therefore, the availability of the phosphorus to the plant increases. Phosphorus is required for white root development, which in turn increases the uptake of nutrients from the soil. Crop quality is also improved due to increased phosphorus uptake & is vital component of several enzymes & hormones.
Soil application : 2 Ltr per acre

Enprobio Nipek-G Multi-strain biofertilizer


Multi-strain biofertilizer

It is a multi-strain biofertilizer, contains several useful micro-organisms. Nipek-G is used to increase the availability of nitrogen, phosphorus, potash & micro nutrients. This product is useful for all types of crops.
Soil application : 2 Ltr per acre

Enprobio Nitreen N - fixing bacteria


N - fixing bacteria

This product contains Nitrogen fixing bacteria viz. Azotobacter, Azospirillium etc. These bacteria convert neutral atmospheric nitrogen into nitrate form in the soil. The nitrate form is easily available to the plant. Therefore, the availability of nitrogen in the soil increases.
Soil application : 2 Ltr per acre .

Enprobio Sulfen Sulfur oxidising bacteria


Sulfur oxidising bacteria

It contains Sulfur oxidizing bacteria viz. Paracoccus versutus. These bacteria oxidize soil sulfur into sulfate form which is available to the plant. Use of Sulfen with elemental sulfur gives good results.
Soil application: 2 Ltr per acre

Enprobio Kenon Potash solubilising bacteria


Potash solubilising bacteria

It contains potash mobilizing bacteria. These bacteria enhance the availability of potash in the soil. Therefore the uptake of potash increases & consequently yield of the crop is also improved.
Soil application: 2 Ltr per acre
This product is available in liquid, dextrose & talc base.

Enprobio Cellos Waste decomposer


Waste decomposer

It contains organic matter decomposing bacteria. Due to its cellulolytic activity the organic matter present in the soil degrades into humic & fulvic acid. Also, major & micro nutrients in the organic matter becomes available to the plant.
Use- 2 kg. or 2 Ltr. Cellose to decompose 1 Truckload (10 MT) wet F.Y.M.
OR 500g or 500 ml. Cellose to decompose 1 MT dry organic matter.

Enprobio Enpro-10 Multi-strain kit


Multi-strain kit

It is a multi-strain kit, contains Nitrogen fixers, Phosphate solubilizers, Potash mobilizer, Sulfur oxidizer, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Trichoderma, Nematode controller, Decomposer, microbe food & humic acid. This product is useful for all types of crops. ,
Soil application: 1 Kit per acre


Enprobio Million Multi-strain biopesticide


Multi-strain biopesticide

It is a multistrain biopesticide. Million contains effective entomopathogenic fungi. Which kills different types of insects like Mealy bug, White fly, Thrips, Caterpillar, Bollworm, etc. Million is a versatile product gives good result in diversified conditions. This product is available in liquid & dextrose base.
Dose - 1ml/ Ltr. Of water to be sprayed on crop.

Enprobio Paecilon Paecilomyces lilacinus


Paecilomyces lilacinus

It is a biological nematicide, contains a fungus viz. Paecilomyces lilacinus which is used to control nematode infestation in the soil. Due its infestation on roots, plant yield is substantially reduced. Nematode control by chemical has limited use therefore, use paecilomyces has gaining importance worldwide. This product is effective against several types of nematodes present in the soil. This is also specifically used for pomegranate crop to control wilt disease in combination with Trichoderma.
Dose - 3 to 5 Ltr/ acre to be applied in the soil

Enprobio Promet Metarrhizium anisopliae


Metarrhizium anisopliae

This is a biological insecticide, a fungi called Metarrhizium anisopliae having profuse growth pattern and is used to control White grub, Mealy bug, Aphids, Jassids, Stem borer etc. Metarrhizium grows on the insects and enter into their body through cuticle. After entering into the body it feeds on the inner sap and kills insect.
Dose - 5ml/ Ltr. Of water to be sprayed on crop. OR 3 Ltr to be drenched into soil.

Enprobio Enpro-SF Pseudomonas fluorescens


Pseudomonas fluorescens

It is contains bio control agent Pseudomonas fluroscens a bacteria which secrets toxins. Due to this toxins soil borne fungi like Fusarium, Sclerotium, Rhizoctonia & Pythium are killed. -It controls Root rot & Wilt diseases in Tomato, Brinjal, Pomegranate & other Crops. -It is used to control the growth of harmful fungi on leaves. Therefore it is recommended to use on leaves of Grapes. -Pseudomonas spp plays important role in checking the growth of harmful fungi in storage of Grape.
Dose : spraying - 5ml/ Ltr. Of water.
Soil application – 3 to 5 Ltr in 200 Ltr of water for one acre

Enprobio Enpro-verti Lecanicillium lecanni


Lecanicillium lecanni

This is a biological insecticide, also known as lecanicillium lecanni, a fungus having sticky spores which then grow and invade the body of the insect leading to its death. This is used to control White grub, White fly, Thrips, Mealy bug, Aphids etc.
Dose - 5ml/Ltr. Of water to be sprayed on crop or drenching in the soil.

Enprobio Filamen-AQ Ampelomyces quisqualis


Ampelomyces quisqualis

Filamen AQ is a biological fungicide. It contains a fungus called Ampelomyces quisqualis which is used to control powdery mildew on Grape, Rose etc. Ampelomyces grows on the mycelium of powdery mildew & kills them. This product should not be mixed with chemical fungicide & to be sprayed on crops before evening in condition above 60% humidity.
Dose - 5ml/ Ltr. Of water to be sprayed on crop.

Enprobio Granate For Oily Spot disease


For Oily Spot disease

This is a biological bactericide contains useful micro-organism for controlling bacterial diseases of the plant. This is used to control Bacterial spot disease, oily spot disease of pomegranate etc.
Dose - 2 ml / Ltr. Of water.

Enprobio Enpro-derma Trichoderma viride & harzianum


Trichoderma viride & harzianum

It contains bio control agent Trichoderma Viride & T. harzianum, fungus which secrets toxins like gliotoxin & viridine. Due to these toxins, soil borne fungus like Fusarium, Sclerotium, Rhizoctonia & Pythium are controlled. Trichoderma has following benefits. -It controls Root rot & Wilt diseases in Tomato, Brinjal, Pomegranate & other Crops. -It is used to control the growth of harmful fungi on leaves. Therefore, it is recommended to use on leaves of Grapes. -Trichoderma plays important role in checking the growth of harmful fungi in storage of Grape. -It is used to enhance decomposition process of organic matter.
Dose : spraying - 5ml/ Ltr. Of water.
Soil application – 3 to 5 Ltr in 200 Ltr. water for one acre.

Enprobio Enpro-bever Beauveria bassiana


Beauveria bassiana

It contains bio control agent Beauveria bassiana. It is an entomopathogenic fungus which enters into the insect body through their cuticle by forming mycelium. Beauveria secrets a toxin called beverin and due to this the infected insect dies due to white muscadaine disease. Beauveria is used to control Mealy bugs, Bollworm, fruit borer, Shoot borer, Thrips, White grub etc.
Dose - 5ml / Ltr. Of water to be sprayed on crop or drenching in the soil.

Enprobio Cyllus Bacillus subtilis


Bacillus subtilis

This is a biological fungicide, containing a bacteria viz. Bacillus subtilis which is used to control powdery mildew, downey mildew and other fungal diseases of the crop. This bacteria secrets toxin viz. subtilin which softens the wall layer of phyto-pathogenic fungi.
Dose - 2.5ml / Ltr. Of water to be sprayed on crop.

Botanical Pesticide

Enprobio Flieer For Thrips & Aphids


For Thrips & Aphids

It is a botanical insecticide used to control Thrips, White fly, Mango hopper, leaf minor, aphids etc. It contains extracts derived from herbs which having insecticidal properties. It is very effective and concentrated formulation for biological control of sucking pests.
Dose - 1.5 ml / Ltr. Of water to be sprayed on crop.

Enprobio Procide Broad spectrum botanical insecticide


Broad spectrum botanical insecticide

IIt is a botanical insecticide used to control Thrips, Caterpillar, Mites, White fly, Mango hopper, leaf minor, aphids etc. It contains extracts derived from herbs which having insecticidal properties. It is very effective for biological control of sucking pests. It can be used in combination with other insecticides for better results
Dose – 2 ml / Ltr. Of water to be sprayed on crop.

Bio Stimulant

Enprobio Projet For Growth & Yield


For Growth & Yield

It is a bio-stimulant used to enhance crop growth & quality. It contains various types of plant growth promoting substances like amino acids, vitamins, enzymes & hormones. This product is useful for all types of vegetable, fruit & grain crops. This product should be used in various growth stages of the crop like flowering, fruit setting etc.
Dose - 2 ml per litre of water

Enprobio Select For Growth & Yield


For Growth & Yield

It is a bio-stimulant used to enhance crop growth & quality. It contains various types of plant growth promoting substances like seaweed extract, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes & hormones. This product is useful for all types of vegetable, fruit & grain crops. This product should be used in various growth stages of the crop like flowering, fruit setting etc.
Dose - 2 ml per litre of water.

Enprobio Prominoz Organic concentrate for yield & quality


Organic concentrate for yield & quality

It is a bio-stimulant used to enhance crop growth & quality. It contains various types of plant growth promoting substances like amino acids, fulvic acid, vitamins, enzymes & hormones. This product is useful for all types of vegetable, fruit & grain crops. This product should be used in various growth stages of the crop like flowering, fruit setting etc.
Dose - 2 ml per litre of water.

Enprobio Enter Growth enhancer & fruit setter


Growth enhancer & fruit setter

It is a bio-stimulant used to enhance crop growth & quality. It contains various types of plant growth promoting substances like N-ATCA, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes. This product is useful for all types of vegetable, fruit & grain crops. This product should be used in various growth stages of the crop like flowering, fruit setting etc.
Dose - 1 ml per litre of water.

Enprobio Wetage For Size & Weight


For Size & Weight

It is a bio-stimulant used to enhance size & quality of fruit & vegetable crops. It contains various types of plant growth promoting substances like N-ATCA, amino acids, vitamins B1,B2, B12, cytokinin, enzymes & hormones. This product is useful for all types of vegetable, fruit & grain crops. This product is very useful for the growth of the fruit & vegetable crops. It is also used for dipping purpose.
Dose - 0.5 ml per litre of water

Enprobio Phyto-P For Phosphorus uptake


For Phosphorus uptake

It is a herbal based organic product. This product is used to increase the uptake of phosphorus from the soil. It is useful for all types of vegetable & fruit crops.
Dose - @ 2 ml per litre of water.

Enprobio Phyto-K For Potassium uptake


For Potassium uptake

It is a herbal based organic product. This product is used to increase the uptake of potassium from the soil. It is useful for all types of vegetable & fruit crops. Due to the use of this product size & weight of the fruit is increased.
Dose - @ 2 ml per litre of water

Bio Surfactant

Enprobio Silken Silicon based Spreader & Activator


Silicon based Spreader & Activator

It is a high quality silicone-based wetting, spreading & penetrating agent. It contains premium grade silicone surfactant. This product is mixed with the other pesticide to increase the efficacy of the spraying material. Use of this product saves the cost of pesticide. This product is useful for all types of vegetable, fruit & grain crops. This product should be used at the time of spaying and must be mixed in spraying tank.
Dose - Mix @ 0.3 ml per litre of water.

Enprobio Prowet Silicon based wetting agent


Silicon based wetting agent

It is also a silicone-based wetting, spreading agent. It contains premium grade silicone surfactant. This product is mixed with the other pesticide to increase the efficacy of the spraying material. Use of this product saves the cost of pesticide. This product is useful for all types of vegetable, fruit & grain crops. This product should be used at the time of spaying and must be mixed in spraying tank.
Dose - Mix @ 0.5 ml per litre of water.

Botanical viricide

Enprobio Viren For viral diseases


For viral diseases

It is a botanical based viricide used to control viral diseases of vegetable & fruit crops. It contains extracts derived from herbs which having viricidal properties. It is very effective and concentrated formulation for biological control of viral diseases. This product is useful for all types of fruits, vegetable and food-grain crops.
Dose – 2 ml / Ltr. Of water to be sprayed on crop.

Botanical Fungicide

Enprobio Demold For fungal diseases


For fungal diseases

It is a botanical fungicide used to control Downey mildew, Powdery mildew, Anthracnose, fruit rot etc. It contains extracts derived from herbs which having fungicidal properties. It is very effective and concentrated formulation for biological control of fungal diseases. This product is useful for all types of fruits, vegetable and food-grain crops.
Dose – 1.5 g / Ltr. Of water to be sprayed on crop.